
We operate an approved repairer facility and would encourage you to use this facility whenever possible.

To make a claim on your Eridge motor insurance policy, or to discuss an existing claim, please contact our claims helpline:

0333 241 9200

open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year


Alternatively, if you would like to submit or discuss your claim via email, please do so via the following address:

Approved Repairers


There are significant benefits to you the customer in using one of our approved repairers in respect of damage (excluding glass damage) to your vehicle.

Under an Eridge policy, if the damage to your vehicle is covered and can be economically repaired, we will arrange for one of our approved repairers to contact you and:

  • Your vehicle will be collected free of charge.
  • If your vehicle is not driveable it will be moved to a safe place whilst it is waiting to be repaired. (You should remove all personal belongings if possible).
  • Whilst your car is being repaired you will be offered a free courtesy car.*
  • After the repair your vehicle will be returned to you having been cleaned inside and out.
  • All work carried out by our approved repairers is guaranteed for 5 years providing you remain the owner of the  vehicle.

*-Private car customers only.
-This is not intended to be on a like for like basis with your own car.
-Subject to availability (which will be the case in the vast majority of repairs).
Please be aware that you must return the courtesy car when the owner of it asks you to do so. You must also return the car if your insurance contract expires whilst your vehicle is being repaired.

What if I want to use a repairer of my own choice?

If you choose to use your own garage, please note that as well as losing the right to a courtesy car under this insurance:

  • You will need to provide us with at least one estimate showing the cost of repairing your vehicle.
  • We may need a qualified Engineer to see your vehicle and agree the repair cost.
  • We will be unable to guarantee the quality of the repair.

What if my vehicle is not repairable?

There are some circumstances where we may not be able to repair your vehicle:

  • It is impossible to repair.
  • It isn’t safe to repair.
  • The repair costs exceed the market value of your vehicle.

We will always manage your claim for you and will look to make you a financial offer in line with the current market value of your vehicle.
If you are a Motor Trader and the vehicle is owned by you, our offer will be based on the current Trade value.

If we feel that your vehicle is unlikely to be repairable, we will arrange for it to be assessed by a qualified Engineer (we remind you that in these circumstances we will not be able to provide you with a courtesy car).

Before we release payment to you, we would require the following:

  • Receipt of the original Vehicle Registration Document and current MOT Certificate.
    Please also be aware that where appropriate we would:-
  • Deduct any outstanding vehicle finance – we will discharge your outstanding finance amount first from the settlement amount and send you any remaining balance.
  • Deduct of any outstanding insurance premium.
  • Deduct the policy excess.

We would arrange for the vehicle salvage to be disposed of in accordance with current codes of practice, and will not allow you to retain the vehicle salvage.